Sunday, July 22, 2012

Handy tip for purple carrots

Now here is a handy tip for purple carrots. Don't use them in soup as they tend to colour the soup in an interesting way.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A day in the garden

A day in the garden in mid-Winter is not always an appealing prospect. I have gotten out there a few times but the littlies have made it somewhat difficult to get much done.

Today it was their choice. Their choice of seeds, with their names on the plant labels. They were ready to garden in a flash and so keen to plant out their carefully selected seeds.

It's a mild Winter's day today so that made it nice too! I even got to do some much needed tidying up. To top it off, we also have a lovely harvest of carrots and potatoes to go in our dinner. What a successful morning in the garden.

Perhaps tomorrow we'll even tackle some gardening in the patch...