Thursday, March 28, 2013


Look at the spikes on that cucumber! They are somewhat fiercer looking than the spikes on zucchini - both wonders of food that are not seen in supermarket vegetables because they brush off very easily.


We have two lime trees, a kaffir and a Tahitian lime. Over the few years that we have had them, the crops have been minimal or non-existent. But this year it looks like a great year for fruit, with some well developed fruit and many more developing. Yum, yum!

My daughter, the artist.

My 6 year old is developing a love of painting and I am so proud of her artistic talents. She is a pleasure to watch during the creative process as she studies the flowers and brings the paper to life.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Growing celery from scraps

I'm more inclined to believe that the celery will actually grow from the bottom inch of a store bought celery. Not only is this sprouting a lovely top, but roots are growing. I started this one a week ago, at the same time as the carrots.

Sprouting carrots

I have seen this growing 'investigation' in children's gardening books, but recently I read (ok, saw on Pinterest) that the carrots will actually grow again from their sprouted tops. Let's see how it goes!

These are carrot tops from home grown carrots (from seed), sitting in a tray from my "sprouts alive" sprout growing system.

Gate to the patch

The gate to the patch was looking a little dull, so we have added some colour.

Record keeping

I am terrible at remembering what I have planted when it come to seeds. If I don't label it straight away, I'm lost by the time the seedlings come up. So this time in my trays, I am putting labels and taking a photo with the seed packets so I know exactly which ones were sown. The idea being, that when I forget I can go back to the correct seed packet for planting and growing advice!