Sunday, November 25, 2012

A sad day

Yesterday my sweet little Button tragically died after being hit by a car. She was a wonderful cat and will be dearly missed.

Today we will be adding some special plants to our garden to honour our four-legged family member.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spot the Cavoodle

I was attempting to groom my Cavoolde, Issy, today. When I got half way through, she'd had enough and frankly so had I. Until I get to finish it off, it looks like I'm stuck with a bobble-headed spotty dog wearing fur flairs. Oh dear.

Love in the mist

As a child, when I had dreams of being a florist, I thought Love in the Mist was one of the most beautiful flowers. I have finally grown it in my garden this year!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mmm... Strawberries

And here they are! The first bowl of strawberries for the season. And the flowers and buds. So many flowers and buds! What ever shall we do with all the berries to come. Eat them in fruit salad and freeze them, probably, but surely there will be a strawberry pie or two to enjoy!