Power saving tips

Perhaps you are wondering how we almost halved our electricity usage? When first asked months ago, I vaguely said "ummm, I don't know". But that's not a very helpful answer. I think that by then, the things we had changed had become habits. So, thinking back more clearly...

What we did do was get an energy usage meter when we had our PV array installed 2 years ago. That's when the real changes started happening.

We became aware of how much power things use and started modifying our habits at home. It was quite exciting at first, like I was empowered with the knowledge of how much power my appliances and habits were actually using. Considering we already used compact fluro globes and had changed to some more energy efficient appliances, here are 5 of our big changes.

We started doing things like turning appliances off at the switch when they are not being used. It's a little thing, but every little bit adds up and it soon becomes a habit.

We considered whether we really need to use full wash cycles with the dish washer and washing machine. In both cases, we have opted to use mainly the short wash cycles and use cold wash where possible.
We realised how much energy heat lamps in the bathroom use, as well as small space heaters in the bathroom. We now avoid using these.

I put a few loads of washing through the dryer and realised how it blew out the daily kWh for our house. The clothes airers get a fair work out in Winter now, and the dryer has been taken away to avoid temptation!

We considered how we are actually using things, like the oven. If I am baking something for more than 30 minutes I will either not pre-heat the oven or turn the heat off 10 minutes before cooking time has finished. If I'm baking for more than an hour, I might even do both. I also plan my baking to bake several things while the oven is on and hot.

Perhaps these are things that you already do. But if they are not, try making these little changes and see how your bill goes down.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. There are several ways to conserve energy and I do think that constantly examine electricity bills and see which appliances or activities you do are huge consumers of current so that you may think of ways to regulate your use. Thank you for sharing all these tips. Everything is worth trying!
