Saturday, June 5, 2010

Julie & Julia and Stephanie

When I was in Melbourne recently my sister gave me a copy of Julie & Julia , which I watched the other night. I had a nice evening at home with the kids sound asleep and my husband out. On the couch with a chick flick, a cup of tea and my son's birthday baklava (named as such as I made an especially good batch of baklava moments before going into labour and so it is his birth day/my birthing day tradition now).

I enjoyed the movie and the escapism of watching it. But was one of those movies that I couldn't help but think of correlations between the characters and my own life. Myself just turned 30 and looking at my point of life in relation to my peers; like Julie I too sometimes lose perspective of what I have done in my life when comparing one aspect, such as career to people I went to uni with or are (gasp) younger than me. Then I remember why I too, am not sitting in that Executive role I know I am capable of - I have made the decision to have children and to be at home with them, to be their constant and have them in the care of my husband or family on the 2 days that I now work.

I thought of my husband and his enjoyment of cooking. I like cooking and preparing food for my family and friends. I love it when I see the enjoyment of people eating it, and I love that my husband brags about my cooking. I know that I am no masterchef though. I am a good home cook, that likes to do fancy things every now and then, when I have time. My husband on the other hand has in the last year discovered that he has rather a flair for making fancy things easily (somehow with the kids around). He went from having his basic 3 or 4 meals (there was never much surprise as what was for dinner on a night that he was cooking), to planning these amazing dishes that are divine to eat. Sure he is working through the Masterchef cook book and website, but making things he has devised himself with techniques he has leant. The old favourites are still on the menu too :) I admire his drive to test his skills and try new things. He is unlike Julie in that he didn't already posses the cooking drive before being motivated my a show and a chef.

So then there is the logical link between blogger and blogger. I had a fleeting moment of thinking "Perhaps I should cook my way through Stephanie Alexander's Cook's Companion". That's like a bible of cookery for me... but it really was just a fleeting moment, as just as Julie feared jointing and boning a duck, although not having any problem with that, I just couldn't bring myself to prepare any lamb dishes as I simply can't stand the stuff!

Perhaps I should set myself the task of growing all of the vegetables in "Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden" instead? That's more up my alley. Maybe I'll even cook some of the dishes too :)

Hmmm, I think I'll need more vegie patches...


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