Friday, March 15, 2013

Record keeping

I am terrible at remembering what I have planted when it come to seeds. If I don't label it straight away, I'm lost by the time the seedlings come up. So this time in my trays, I am putting labels and taking a photo with the seed packets so I know exactly which ones were sown. The idea being, that when I forget I can go back to the correct seed packet for planting and growing advice!


  1. I do something similar, but use a free piece of software called Paint.NET. (Yes, I am a nerdy gardener.) I take a picture and then import it into my computer. I use the product to label what plants I planted where. I use it for my garden beds and for my seeds.

    It really helps and takes the guess work out. If you want to see what it looks like, check out this post from my blog:

  2. Thanks for that! I'll check that out and maybe see if there is an app for it too... I am also a nerdy gardener and would love an iPad app for organising my planting. I'll often have my iPad in the garden for photos, blogging, etc.
