Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Button photo

This is my cat Button. Button was a stray cat that we got from the RSPCA. We went there specifically to see her (I'd been watching their website for the right cat). Once we got there, my husband found a surrended cat that hadn't made up on the website yet that he wanted to bring home. What were we to do! Well, the only option really was to bring them both home.

When we introduced our new cats to our family and friends, we only had one cat to show off as Button hid under the couch for a good week! She was very shy but is now the cat most likely to be carried awkwardly by a 3 year old or coaxed into games by a 5 year old.

Button and Cookie have become loving friends for one another over the past 18 months and are a wonderful addition to our family.

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