Friday, June 1, 2012

Pasta sauce?

My husband makes delicious pasta sauce, so when it is his turn to cook pasta is a favourite.

He made pasta with a tomato based sauce a few nights ago and it was different to the normal sauces that he makes. Sure, there is variation, but this was different and we couldn't quite pick why. He'd used the same basic ingredients as usual. We've been making tomato based things with my bottled tomatoes from our garden for a while and they are delicious.

At dinner time it was like we we doing a MasterChef challenge of picking the mystery ingredient only we knew everything that went into the sauce and we still couldn't pick the flavour. It was a delicious sauce. Full of flavour tasty and sweet.

Was it the Hungarian paprika? Is that sweeter than Sweet paprika? I don't know... It was home grown tomatoes, and they are much tastier than regular canned tomatoes...?

It has remained a delicious mystery.

Until this morning when I was looking in the fridge. You see, I made this batch of tomato chutney in the breadmaker which hadn't quite thickened enough. It was really yummy on sandwiches so I had been using it, but I probably just needed to put it back on the stove and thicken it up.

The tomato chutney was no where to be found. I opened the dishwasher and jar from the chutney was sitting there sparkling clean.

As it turns out pasta sauce is delicious with a couple of jars of bottled tomatoes and a jar of homemade tomato chutney. It adds complexities that are hard to describe, yet pleasing to the taste buds.

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