Friday, May 14, 2010

Visiting family and the The Heidi Museum of Modern Art

A few weeks ago I took time out for the first time without my children and flew down to Melbourne to visit my brother who as been quite unwell lately. Just taking two days out, the longest and furthest I have ever been away from my littlies was difficult, something I never would have done if my brother had not been sick. Fortunately he is recovering well and we could actually enjoy time together.

We made it out to lunch, going to the Heidi Museum of Modern Art to see the gardens and sculptures. I enjoyed seeing my brother excited by the art, spending time with family and seeing the beautiful gardens. They time away was so good. Knowing that my children were happy and safe with their Daddy, I could really enjoy myself. I felt like I had the rare experience of viewing the gardens (and eating my meals and shopping...) at an adult's pace, not driven by the time line and needs of my children.

I felt a little guilty about how much I liked this! My husband and his voice of reason reminded me that it was the first time that I had been away from our children like that, being me and not mother me or teacher me, but me being allowed to focus of just being sister me without juggling the others at the same time. I can never stop being mother me and I certainly didn't stop thinking about my children. Knowing and trusting that they were safe without me for more than a few hours was liberating and I think perhaps a mind shift for me for the better. My children are just turned 2 and going on 4 and I am starting to get some of myself back...

When I left to come home, I felt like thanking my brother for getting sick so I could spend the time with him. I realised that visiting him, my sister and step mother is much easier now than it has been in a long time, and know that it is something that I can do relatively easily again. I'm not sure how long it will be till my brother is medically able to fly again, but I hope to see him again soon, especially as my popping down for a visit is now a more viable option!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a great time with us.
    More ferntime is definitely in order!
