Saturday, February 5, 2011


We have started harvesting our first ears of corn and they are tasty! We know corn is ready to harvest when the 'silk' poking out the top (the bit that the pollen needed to fall on to pollinate the corn so it would grow) turn brown and dry up.

My girl was so keen to pick and eat one that we peeled a few leaves to check that it was ready. It wasn't quite ready, so we had to cover it back up and wait a few days... Oh the waiting! It sure tasted good eating the first, eagerly awaited corn if the season.


  1. PG, yes, corn is nice, specially if it's out of our own garden! Like any vege.

  2. My husband doesn't like corn, he actually gets allergies from the pollen, yet I still manage to grow it in small quantities. He didn't like eating squash before we grew it either, despite my trying to convince him that it's just like zucchini. Now everyone in the family enjoys our squash.

    Corn is taking longer for acceptance, but one day he might enjoy it just as much as we do. How someone can not lick their lips at the thought of sweet, fresh, hot buttered corn on the cob is beyond me...
