Thursday, April 28, 2011

Greenhouse heaven

Remember all of those seeds that I sowed a few weeks ago? Well they are growing beautifully. I have 'potted on' lots of tiny seedlings into larger pots, one plant to a pot and the shelves in the greenhouse are filling with potential produce. Communal garden, here we come!

I am also attempting to continue with some tomatoes, aubergine (eggplant) and lemongrass in the green house, but I'm unsure how successful they will be. The greenhouse provides some warmth and frost protection, but time will tell how long it actually extends the growing season.

Aubergine are actually perennials in warmer regions, but are treated as annuals in frosty areas. So while the aubergine in the garden will soon be gone, I'm hoping to still make a few more of those aubergine curries that I enjoy so much.

1 comment:

  1. Your seedlings look like they are doing well. I tried to enlarge the photo to see it clearer but was not able to. A pity - Dave
