Friday, April 12, 2013

Delights in the garden for 4 year old

I love days at home. I commented on this to my husband a few days ago, and his response was "So that's where he gets it from". Our 4 year old is a real home body. He much prefers being at home to going out.

Today I feel a little flu-ish and am pottering at home doing a little weeding, watering and washing - nothing too strenuous. Meanwhile, my boy is climbing trees, playing in the tree house, digging holes to transplant seedlings and now, much to his delight, playing in mud. How he enjoys this freedom to explore nature as he discovers insects and plants, and gets well and truly dirty in the process!

He calls out to me at times and we investigate things together. At other times he studies how things work or plays with fluid dynamics. It is a wonderful thing to watch. This is the pre-schooling education that he enjoys the most!

1 comment:

  1. My seven-year old grandson would much prefer hanging out outside and working on 'contraptions' to going to the mall or the movies. I love observing how his little mind is constantly looking and learning. And you are right, it is educational and its relevant education because it is learning life skills.
