Friday, August 26, 2011

If only there was more time to be in the garden this weekend

With the trees full of blossoms and the sunshine warm and inviting, I am thinking of all of the things I would be doing in the garden this weekend, if only I had more time to be there.

I could be sowing more seeds to grow in the green house. This is where I feel that Spring is really on its way, because seeds of capsicum, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce and tomatoes can all be sown now in a protected area, such as a propagator or green house.

I have moved away from raising seeds in trays lately. A few days too long without water in a seed tray is terribly unforgiving, with a few weeks of growth ending in shriveled sprouts. Instead I have been sowing seeds in a larger pot, then separating the tiny seedlings out into their own pots or the garden once they have taken off. The extra soil depth means the seedlings will survive a little longer.

I could be planting out more pea and snap pea seeds into my garden and in the patch. I think this year I'll make some 'tee-pee' style frames using bamboo stakes or perhaps long A-frames. I am also looking forward to trialling growing beans up corn stalks. I have heard about how they are a great companion, although I haven't actually grown them like that myself yet.

My preferred onions to grow are spring onions, because they grow well and can be used in place of regular onions in most cases. It is a great time to be planting onions, so a few patches of spring onions, especially for sharing in the patch, is called for.

I bought some Jerusalem Artichokes for planting recently and they need to go in the ground pretty quickly. I just need to find a good spot to put them in. I'm really looking forward to seeing their beautiful tall flowers.

Speaking of tubers, I have more potatoes to put in, too. These can be left till next month if you prefer. The soil will be a little warmer then, which is good to kick start their growth.

I think I have done all of my pruning, but now is the time to finish winter pruning fruit trees. Berries that need pruning should be pruned as well. I have some heritage raspberries that I have only had of one fruiting season, so I need to check whether they are considered Summer or Autumn fruiting. Summer fruiting raspberries need last year's fruiting canes to be pruned and the new canes to be left, whereas Autumn raspberries should be cut to the ground.

My nectarine is covered with pink buds, which is a timely reminder that I have not sprayed with a copper fungicidal spray, to help protect against leaf curl. It is also time to spray fruit trees with an oil spray to help protect against aphids. I also plant nasturtiums as a sacrificial plant, as aphids will prefer it. The red ladybugs also eat aphids, so it's good to encourage them into the garden.

So, if I had more time to enjoy the beautiful weather and garden, I would be very busy. But as it is, I will do what I can, and what is most pressing. I'm looking forward to it already.


  1. I was thinking much the same thing today, although with a lot less detail! But oh, how nice it would be to be working in the garden, instead of cleaning out my house, which is what I was doing (necessary for having a housesitter coming to stay soon while we are away, but oh so boring!).

    Hi, BTW, I just popped over from your Sustainable House Day listing :)

  2. Hi Kirsten.
    Why is it that necessary house cleaning is so boring, but necessary gardening is so enjoyable :-)

    I got a few things ticked off my gardening list, but there is alway more to do and think of.

    Good luck with preparing for your house sitter! Getting the garden ready to be away from it for a while can be a bit frantic, so I hope you get a chance to enjoy your garden before you go away.
