Sunday, January 9, 2011

A rainy week ahead but at least I got my jobs done last week, well most of them...

This week ahead is forecast for rain, and this time I believe it as it is raining right now. I was pretty successful with my garden list of things. To do this past week, so I think I can relax and enjoy the rain.

I trimmed the strawberry runners, all bar a few which had already taken root in the grass. They had gone to all the trouble for growing into their own little plants, why not give them a chance? Whether or not they grow and produce, at least they'll keep the edge of the lawn and garden bed neater in that hard to mow spot... They may well be a talking point like the self sown lettuce in the lawn last year. Later in the season I will allow some runners to grow and place a pot of soil under them to grow up a few replacement plants, or plants for friends. Sadly strawberry production has slowed right down, and the chickens are getting most of what there is, but to compensate we have a been getting some nice blueberries.

I thought I might bandicoot, or pick some potatoes before the crop is mature and the whole plant picked, which I did. I was very impressed with the size of the potatoes and they tasted delicious.

I think I go through a cycle when plants come to harvest stages. At first I am so excited about the flavour and special-ness of harvesting the first of our home grown produce that I like to make meals or dishes that showcase the vegetable or fruit. As the season goes on and we have more and more of it, it becomes just another ingredient in our meal.

We had our first artichokes this week as well, so another showcase preparation. I'm glad that I bought some fresh artichokes a while ago to give me some practice before preparing the very special first three home grown ones. While one had past eating point and was just about ready to burst into flower, the other two weren't too bad.

The tomato plants also got a tidy up and I sowed a repeat crop of beans and corn, which should give us corn and beans right up until the first frost.

I didn't seaweed fertilise but will this week, which will be better in the wetter weather any way.

I am still in awe of seeds and will probably find somewhere to sow some more seeds too. I have a collection of milk bottles with the cap off and the bottom cut off to use as closhes or mini greenhouses, but mainly as snail and chicken protection, so I can safely sow something...

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